
“it’s ok we don’t have to.. Or I can just edit your face out of them but maybe you’d prefer them just between you and me?”“Oh, I don’t mind. I quite like the idea of just our little secret but if you need comments then… I guess… post away just edit my face out before online yeah?”“you don’t mind these going on my blog?” She gives a deep breath in… “no it’s fine” He gives her a soothing and encouraging smile. “Ok then let’s start shall we?”She gives a nod but stands there unsure as what to do.. Bonner handed them all a pair of new gray wool socks to put on. The socks were too long, so she showed them how to fold the toe of the sock down under their foot before they pulled the boots on.Tom had walked back into the other part of the general store where he saw some hats over in one corner of the store. He was looking through them for something that might fit the brothers when he noticed a big brown hat made like his, on a shelf behind the counter. He stepped around and took the hat down,. She let out a long breath and turned to kiss Phil softly on the lips.Hailey had stepped down and forwarded the photo to everyone before handing her phone to Phil for his inspection. There was no way anyone could identify him from the top of his head but it was obvious what he was doing.“I had no idea I could look like that,” Katelyn informed the room.“You always look that way,” Phil said. “You’re extremely pretty and you’re always sexy.”Katelyn kissed him again as she blushed at his praise.“Uh,. He had to have a huge, monster of a cock.I asked him, "Could you please direct me to the bathrooms. I need to take care of a little problem that has just come up." I reached forward and grabbed his cock through his pants and said, "Oh, I see you have the same kind of problem. You shouldn't take care of that yourself. Now where is the men's room at?"He said, "You mean the ladies room don't you ma'am?"I said, "No dear. I won't find any men in the ladies room who would be willing to fuck me. I.
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